Sunday, 22 January 2012


Nga mihi ki a koutou

I will be holding a Raw Foods Workshop in Whakatane on Saturday 11th February 2012.  
If you are iterested in learning how to make some easy, delicious, living foods please contact me via the email on this website.


Saturday, 10 December 2011


Teena Koutou!
It has been sometime since I have blogged.  I thought it would quite easy for me to manage one blog a month but this does not seem to be the case, I don't know how others manage to do this each day!!

Heoi ano,  I have just finished another Raw Foods Workshop and I love to see and feel peoples excitment and eagerness to go home and try these recpies for themselves and their loved ones, thanks you everyone who has come along and supported me to be able to share a little bit of how we as a whanau enjoy preparing kai.

I will be holding another workshop in January 2012, please check in again for the date and venue.

                                                                 Raw Onion Crackers

                                                               Lemon Cheesecake

Just a couple of shots of some of the living foods we have been making, I am usually so busy I always forget to get photo's of our lunch but will try for nexttime.

Nga mihi ki runga i te aroha!


Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Marinated Mushrooms

Nga mihi mahana ki a koutou!

This has been a favourate kai of ours for a couple of years now and one of the reasons I am putting it up now is because in the winter these mushrooms can be warmed in the dehydrator or you can leave them to go dry and crispy too, and used as handy snacks for the tamariki.  This is a really simple recipe and lemon/vinegar is a very old way to make vegatables softer and easily digestable.

6-12 portobello mushrooms (depending on how many people you are making for)
2/3 tbsp Olive Oil
Juice of 1/2 lemon
2/3 tbsp Tamari
2/3 cloves of Garlic crushed
Any chopped herbs

Place mushrooms in flat dish, drizzle over Olive Oil, Lemon juice and Tamari.  Use garlic press to crush garlic over the mushrooms (I find this quite important as the juice of the garlic really make a wonderful flavour).  Sprinkle over freshly chopped herbs (or dry) and cover and leave to marinate for a few hours.  I often make this in the morning and eat them for lunch.
If you want to warm in the dehydrator they only take about 30-40 minutes.
I love the rich flavour of the oil with the mushroom and it is a much healthier option than fried mushroom but with all the taste!!!

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Raw Living Desserts

Our whanau has been enjoying the delights of Raw Cheesecake and Pies for a few years now and I am excited to share with you that these Raw Living Cakes will be available in the Whakatane area.

  I am currently in the process of adding this to the website but thought I would add a picture of whats to come..........

                                                             Chai Chocolate CheeseCake 


ALL GOURMET   100% RAW...........


Raw Cakes made with fresh, organic living ingredients and an abundance of love.........



Kia ora Koutou!

After the Green Smoothie Talk in Whakatane I said I would post up some of the weeds I had taken along that evening.
I have found some of the weeds are much more abundant in Spring and Autumn so I will upload the pictures as they come to me....

Thanks again everyone who came along and I hope everyone got something out of it.

Mauri Ora!




                                                           PUHA/SOW THISTLE                 
                        (this is not the tuturu puha, there are many varieties now in Aotearoa).

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Green Smoothie Talk

                             GREEEN SMOOTHIE TALK

                                                     Nau mai     Hara mai

Learn how easy it is to get more greens into our diet.

How to develop eating habits which bring you more energy, inner wellbeing and re-connect with living foods.

~ You will learn how to make Greens Smoothies.
~ Everyonw will get the opportunity to taste what we make.
~ Talk about the health benefits of Green Smoothies
~ Identifacation of some Wild Edible Plants.

Date:    Thursday 02nd December 2010
Time:    6.30pm
Venue:  Eastbay REAP cnr Pyne & O'Rorke Place
Cost:     Koha (at door)  

Tuesday, 19 October 2010


Kia ora!

We were blessed to be given some freshly harvested Karengo from whanau....
He taonga!  Tena koe Whaea Cherry moo weenei kai noo Tangaroa!

Karengo is highly mineralising, it is also an important wild food, meaning it has all it's vital force intact.

Something I try everyday,  is to connect with foods that have come direct from Papatuaanuku as they provide us with untamed energy that is so lacking in our 'sanitised world'.

All sea vegetables are just about the most mineral rich foods we can eat!  They are one of the best plant sources of Calcium.  They also contain good sources of Vitamin K, B Vitamins and iodine (iodine is essential for the healthy function of the thyroid gland).

We have simply dried it in the sun, this way it will keep throughout the year, although I don't think it will last that long here......
Apart from eating it as is, it can be added to salads, stuffed into wraps.  I am going to try sofening it and adding some other flavours - watch this space...............

Mauri Ora!
