Monday, 27 September 2010

Raw Lemon Pie

Kei te mihi aroha ki a koutou aa teenei raa!

I just recieved some delicious Organic, Spray-free Macadamia Nuts from Aotea Macadamia's in Waipu.
Macadamia's are native to Australia and seem to grow well in warmer parts of Aotearoa.  I love using kai that is grown here and mac's are high in Selenium, second to Brazil nuts.  They are also high is Zinc, a mineral particularly good for our skin and as Tama Nui Te Raa (sun) is getting hotter, the perfect food to be eating now!
I wanted to make something sweet and delicious and as our Lemon tree is gifting us her fruits now seemed a perfect time for a Lemon Pie. 
This recipe is quick and easy, see below.

Raw Lemon Pie

11/2 cups of Macadamia nuts
Pinch of Crystal Salt

Grind mac's in food processor with salt till broken down.
These nuts are so full of natural oil and sweetness you need not add anything else!
Press firmly into flan dish.

11/2 cups Cashews (soaked overnight or for few hours)
1/2 Agave (medjool dates will also work too)
1 whole lemon (peeled)
1 Lemon juiced
1tbsp Coconut oil
1tsp Psylium powder (this is the husks ground into a powder)

Put all ingredients into Vitamix and blend till smooth.
If you are not using a high powered blender, I would simply juice 2 lemons and omit the whole peeled one as it may not break down properly. 
Taste to check for flavour (all lemons are different!)
The Psylium powder will help it to firm up as will the coconut oil.
Spread into base and set in fridge for a couple of hours.
Decorate with slices of lemon and edible flowers from the garden, Enjoy!!

Hoki ora mai!!

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Fermented Veggies

Fermented Veggies are full of probiotics and I have been told 1tbsp a day of this kai is enough to stengthen the good flora in your puku, it will also give you your Vitamin B12 intake.
This recipe is very easy and is great to have the tamariki (children) help create!

1    Litre Jar with lid
1/2 Small cabbage shredded or grated (plus 2 outer leaves)
1/2 Small red cabbage shredded or grated
2    Carrots
1    Zucchini (cut into chunks)
1    Garlic clove (chopped)
1dsp Dill
2tbsp Crystal Salt
Spring Water

Pack all the ingredients into the jar, and top up with water.  Put lid on jar and shake to distribute the salt and herbs.  Place the 2 outer cabbage leaves inside the jar and make sure water is filled to the top. Place lid onto jar and leave on bench top at room temperature for 2-3 days.  Place in the fridge until ready to serve.

Experiment with other vegetables such as peppers, cauliflower, cucumber.
We didn't use zucchini in the pictured jar as they are not growing here yet so we used an extra grated carrot.

Fermented Veggies