Tuesday, 19 October 2010


Kia ora!

We were blessed to be given some freshly harvested Karengo from whanau....
He taonga!  Tena koe Whaea Cherry moo weenei kai noo Tangaroa!

Karengo is highly mineralising, it is also an important wild food, meaning it has all it's vital force intact.

Something I try everyday,  is to connect with foods that have come direct from Papatuaanuku as they provide us with untamed energy that is so lacking in our 'sanitised world'.

All sea vegetables are just about the most mineral rich foods we can eat!  They are one of the best plant sources of Calcium.  They also contain good sources of Vitamin K, B Vitamins and iodine (iodine is essential for the healthy function of the thyroid gland).

We have simply dried it in the sun, this way it will keep throughout the year, although I don't think it will last that long here......
Apart from eating it as is, it can be added to salads, stuffed into wraps.  I am going to try sofening it and adding some other flavours - watch this space...............

Mauri Ora!


Thursday, 7 October 2010

Powdered Greens

Tena Koutou!
Nau mai te Koanga me te kanohi wera oo Tama Nui Te Raa.....

In our garden I have a lot of Kale just starting to go to seed at the moment, of course this is great as it will mean lots of beautiful new babies over Summer. 
So what have I been doing? 
Well of course making lots of Goddess Chips (kale chips) but between me and the tamariki they are hardly finished drying and all gone - ae, tino tino reka!
But one other very interesting discovery is to make our own Powdered Greens for putting into shakes etc, or when travelling.  This could be done with any greens and/or wild greens too.  This way if you are travelling you still have the connection to your garden and the plants that have knowledge about you and your health.  I generally always find greens where ever I go but it is good to have just in case as they can be stored for some months.

This is just a small sample of the kale leaves I dried and then powdered the other day.  I would make sure to use plants before they go to seed as the nutritional value will be much higher than if the plant is in seed, giving most of their life force to the seed.

Nga mihi aroha!