Saturday, 10 December 2011


Teena Koutou!
It has been sometime since I have blogged.  I thought it would quite easy for me to manage one blog a month but this does not seem to be the case, I don't know how others manage to do this each day!!

Heoi ano,  I have just finished another Raw Foods Workshop and I love to see and feel peoples excitment and eagerness to go home and try these recpies for themselves and their loved ones, thanks you everyone who has come along and supported me to be able to share a little bit of how we as a whanau enjoy preparing kai.

I will be holding another workshop in January 2012, please check in again for the date and venue.

                                                                 Raw Onion Crackers

                                                               Lemon Cheesecake

Just a couple of shots of some of the living foods we have been making, I am usually so busy I always forget to get photo's of our lunch but will try for nexttime.

Nga mihi ki runga i te aroha!
