Wednesday 25 August 2010


Tena Koutou!

Finally I have managed to set up this blog (thanks Bro!) and look forward to posting up some recipes and any infomation that we find interesting on our journey.

We are blessed to be surrounded by the ngahere (native bush) and of course we spend as much time imersed in this space and vibration.  We love discovering  nga harore (mushrooms) as i know this is an important part of our kai and has been eaten by Tuhoe, being an inland iwi.  This particular variety I know little off, only that it is safe to eat and tastes good.  We have also been drying it in Tama nui te raa (sun) and then powdering for our supershakes.  This way it is very easy to get into your diet on a daily basis.  I liked David Wolfe's korero on the importance of eating from the Kingdom of mushrooms and wild mushrooms grow in forrests all over the world.

This picture was taken a couple of months ago but these are quite a common growth and are still here with us.  I think this may also be a good source of B12 as it is a micro organism and would be found on this type of kai.

Mauri Ora!


Blogger Iain Ross said...

Nice to see the blog up and running.
Iain x

26 August 2010 at 03:13  

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